Does anyone else accidentally spiral into an existential panic any time they have to write any kind of bio or personal summary? Who am I? What makes me unique or interesting?

My name is Leah-Catherine. I’m 25 years old, born and raised in South Florida. Is that who I am? Did the time and location of my birth leave an indelible mark on my being? Astrology fans would say yes, I am not so sure. Am I even a Millennial?! Because I’m pretty sure I technically qualify as the eldest Gen Z, but I also skipped a grade and grew up with the baby Millennials so I think I spiritually crossed that boundary. I can’t even decide what generation I am, how do I define what are the most important parts of who I am?

I graduated from Georgetown University in 2017- Go Hoyas! But what’s a Hoya? (A little joke for the DeGioia in the audience.) I studied English and Psychology; the liberal arts “you definitely won’t get a job after college” double-hitter. But I have no future in STEM so I’m working with what I got. Halfway through my Junior year I realized I loved TV and movies more than anything else I’d ever explored in college. Most people like movies I think, but most people don’t try to deconstruct Suicide Squad to an unwilling audience literally anytime it comes up in conversation. Or try to convert people to the morally and objectively correct opinion that Drive is Overrated. (It’s true, @ me if you want.)

Following this realization I started doing informal reviews on Facebook as well as writing for a student magazine. I really grew to enjoy this venture (and the likes. oh, sweet sweet validation) which, in combination with encouragement from friends and family, pushed me to launch this site. It started as a hobby but I hope this will be the first step into my eventual career.

So anyway, about me? I’m 5’3″. I’m a Cancer, I like long walks on the beach, trying new hair colors, memes, and calculating the tip so that the final cost of my meal is a round number.

This is the kind of information you’re supposed to put in these things right?